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Alternate Dispute Resolution

The phrase “Alternate Dispute Resolution” is an umbrella for a number of tools and techniques to avoid litigation. ADR includes Negotiation, Cooperation, Mediation, Collaborative Practice, Private Judging, High Conflict Case Management, and combinations of these various tools.

Most cases are settled outside the courtroom, even though litigation has been started – all it takes is two motivated parties willing to resolve issues on a cooperative basis even if they both have attorneys. Going to trial is an expensive gamble, and a good settlement minimizes the cost and the risk.

In courtrooms, almost anything can happen. Alternate Dispute Resolution allows the parties to make their own decisions, rather than leaving the process to a judge who has little knowledge of their case.

Often the lawyers recommend that they hire a Mediator, Settlement Judge, or Private Judge, to assist in settling more complicated cases. Although you are paying another professional, it is often more cost effective. The powers given to these experts is usually negotiated by the parties, and can range from the power of persuasion to full power to decide all issues in the case.

The lawyers you will find on this site are fully committed to resolving matters without litigation, and are fully trained and experienced in each technique. They regularly mediate cases, and serve at the request of other experienced attorneys. Click on the link for one of the attorneys for more information about how they handle these matters and how their fees are set.

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